The Real Madness for this March: UCSB or HRMS!

I had intended that this week my blog post would be a fairly in-depth analysis of the various Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) in the marketplace, with special focus on those that cater to the Small-Medium Business(SMB). But I completely forgot that March Madness kicks off today, and I got more involved with deciding if I should take UCSB (University of California – Santa Barbara) over Creighton in the first round than I did about the pros and cons of various HRMS.

However, in the course of my March Madness research, I came across an excellent web-site by Capterra which allows you to search for HRMS vendors based on various selection criteria.

The selection criteria include:

  • ability to choose multiple key features and functionalities from an extensive list;
  • various pricing options (i.e. monthly pricing; annual pricing; one-time fee;
  • several deployment options (i.e. SAAS, On-Prem, etc.)
  • number of users in your user base; and
  • ability to rank by most reviews or user rating

As well, the tool gives you the ability to do a side-by-side comparison of the systems you want to short-list, and also provides pricing information along with a link the vendor’s website.

In short, the Capterra site is a great place for organizations considering implementing an HRMS/HRIS system to start their search for suitable vendors. Here’s the link to the site. I hope you find it as useful.

And in closing….Go Gauchos!!!


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